
Just leave me alone & let me eat my damn salad!

Here I am minding my own business, enjoying the most delicious lunch ever, and then you walk in. Eye rolls & scoffs, “eww what’s that”? Carefully selected luscious green, crisp kale, cooked quinoa, & diced, roasted butternut squash. All carefully folded in together with love, a hint of sun dried tomato, herbs & spices to make the most deliciously crafted salad ever!!! Salivating at the mouth, my response “a salad”. “That looks horrible, why would you eat that”? I’ll tell you why..

Not to mention it’s completely alkaline vegan! My response, “it’s healthy & it tastes good too”! Scoffs & laughs, “i’m going to get REAL food”. Has this ever happened to you? Are you finding yourself constantly defending what you eat? Are you laughed at for trying to promote a healthier lifestyle? Well, keep reading, I have the perfect solution just for you. 

Imagine yourself finally reaching your healthcare goal (free from dis-ease, & medication, beautiful thriving hair, glowing skin free from blemishes, managing your weight, happy, & reaching your goals. Being totally at peace with who you are & what you stand for). Now imagine that friend or family member who scoffed at you, how is their overall health? Are they free from medications & totally at peace? Unless they’ve made some serious changes since the last time they saw you, im sure the answer is no.

One thing you have to understand about a bully is the way they think. Because our thoughts produce emotions & thoughts can change at a moments notice, you have to know who or what personality type your dealing with in the moment. Try and relate to the person in order to set an example & help improve their health, just as you did yours.  You won’t be forcing any vegan foods down their throats or reading off the benefits of alkaline vegan nutrition, & you certainly don’t wanna yell out “just leave me alone, & let me eat my damn salad”. However, there are a few simple tricks to having successful communication & getting the bully to start seeing things your way.

  1. There is a technique called mirroring, where you match the speed & tone of the person your talking to & even their body language. If they fold their arms, you do the same. If they talk a little faster, you do the same (don’t make it look obvious). This will make a person feel “you’re just like me”. People want to befriend those who are just like them.
  2. Repeat back some of the words they use. This will show them that you are listening to what they have to say. 
  3. Clarify what they said so they will further believe you are listening (you should actually be listening), now that you have their attention you can start asking questions. This will demonstrate that you are taking them seriously & will also give you the upper hand.

Have them imagine what their life would be like if they were at their optimal best health. Ask, what would that look like for you? What changes would you need to make to get there? What’s one thing you can do today to get you closer to that goal? Your bully will come around, and when they do, make sure you have tons of valuable resources to share. You’ll want to have tips to try & things to avoid, delicious recipes, meal plans & more. Coupons for gym memberships, scientific facts about fasting & detoxifying your body & possible time taken out of your busy schedule to show them the way.

If this all sounds like too much, then I would suggest referring to a specialist who can help them such as a dietician, nutritionist, personal trainer, or holistic health practitioner. This last step I have made easy & just for you. Here is my follow along guide that will provided this person in your life, every resource they ever will need to heal and achieve optimal health through alkaline vegan nutrition. If they are not quite convinced & ready to go that route, then start with a simple 5-day meal plan located here.

I have also included that most delicious recipe I spoke of earlier here!

I encourage you to keep doing what you’re doing and leading by example. Let your good health, increased energy, & boosted immune system speak for itself. Continue to build healthy relationships by practicing successful communication tips like the ones previously listed.  You may not be able to reach everyone but you can reach 1. Follow me @infinitewholistics on TikTok to see new alkaline vegan tips, recipes, and inspirations!

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