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These whirling vortices keep energy flowing throughout the body, and it is the correct movement of these vortices that are important to your overall health. As we go through life, trauma, environmental exposure, & daily habits, can cause these energy centers to slow down or become blocked.

Most people have some issues with at least one or two of the chakras and often times all of them. When the chakras become imbalanced or have an issue, we can experience physical, mental and emotional issues that are often difficult to resolve with conventional medicine.

Chakra balancing is the process of aligning the seven main chakras in the body. This is done to create a connection between the physical, emotional, & mental bodies to the spiritual.

What Is The Function Of Our Chakras?

When information is received through pure consciousness, this is known as a thought. When our thoughts produce a feeling, whether negative or positive this information is taken in through the chakras & passed on to the meridians. The meridians are like a super information highway that distributes this information to the corresponding organs & organ systems of the body.

For example- you have a thought which produces a feeling of fear. The emotion fear is taken into the body via the sacral chakra or (2nd chakra) for chemical processing and handed over to the meridians. The meridian highway distributes the emotions of fear throughout the bodily regions that the sacral chakra govern. These regions are small intestine, appendix, genitals, rectum, hips, & large intestine. This is why a lot of the time when we are scared or fearful we wet our pants or feel a rumble in the intestines & experience loose bowels.

Similar to our eyes & ears which passes information to the brain, the chakras gather information for the body passing them on to the meridians. The chakras are associated with spiritual energy but do not have any spiritual power in and of themselves. They simply relay information. The function of the chakras is best described as a radio that takes information from communicating with a radio station & relays it to your speakers. The chakras are the reception stations for all of your feelings & emotions. Each chakra produces a feeling specific to the type of energy that is being introduced to the body from our thoughts.

Another example would be- having a thought that produces the feeling of lost love. The emotions of lost love would be taken in through the heart chakra. The heart chakra passes this information to the meridians which distributes these feelings to the chest, heart, diaphragm, shoulders, thymus, lungs, & arms. If these feelings become suppressed & not properly dealt with, you may experience tightening of the chest, heart palpitations, & tension or stiffness in the shoulders.

Conventional medicine practitioners believe that a physical symptom of imbalance is the first sign of illness, whereas, traditional chinese medicine (TCM) practitioners or alternative medicine practitioners believe that our emotions & feelings are the 1st sign or symptom- that can lead to- an illness or disease- if suppressed for long periods of time.

What Happens When These Energy Centers Are Balanced?

Just as an imbalanced chakra can bring a lot of mental & physical problems, a balanced chakra can help you feel better mentally, emotionally, spiritually, & physically. When your chakras are balanced, all of your emotions remain under control, your mood is stabilized, & you experience a greater sense of awareness.

What happens when these energy centers are balanced?

  1. You’re at peace with yourself and others.
  2. You’re worried about others more than you are about yourself.
  3. You have no desire for material things.
  4. You have the urge to help others in need.
  5.  You move from ego-mode to self-mode (oneness with all things).

Chakras are the energy gateways in the body & when they are balanced, the body is in harmony and your life flows in perfect balance. When they are out of balance, blockages occur on all levels of the body and prevent our bodies from functioning at optimum levels.

How To Balance The Chakras:

Essentially you are recognizing the feelings & emotions that are keeping you blocked, accepting & letting them go. There are many different ways to achieve balance in the chakras such as intuitive eating, herbal therapy, aromatherapy, meditation & more. Often choosing one of these options will not address all 7 main chakras & will only address 1 or 2.

The program offered at infinite wholistics gives people an easy way to balance their chakras. The first step is to have a bio-well scan done. This scan shows the function of your organs, meridians, chakras, blood vessels, & bodily fluids in a way that cannot be seen by any other imaging methods.

Before & After Chakra alignment

Infinite Wholistics is one of the only places you will find this technology in all of Texas. All scans are performed by a certified bio well practitioner who is familiarized with the bio-well device’s results. Bio-well scans measure the body’s bio-energy field. It is a way to gauge how well your body is functioning. Results can be used to evaluate systems, such as the digestive tract, lymphatic system, endocrine system, or circulatory system.

The bio well is a tool that measures stress, body pain, organ function, the meridian system, & the chakras. It’s like an EKG for the body. Infinite wholistics has invested in a business model that is unique in its application of healing arts and technology, with a philosophy based on preventative care and holistic practices.

No other companies compare to Infinite Wholistics way of balancing the chakras. Using ancient principles of healing where you are placed on a table, covered in crystals, & smudged with incense.  This ancient practice is coupled with modern technology like the bio well & the Muse 2 brain sensing device to monitor your brain wave activity, stillness, & heart rate. One of the key aspects to a great chakra balancing is being in a relaxed calm state, ready to receive a healing. With the help of the Muse 2, signaling you back to focus each time you get distracted; you are sure to slip into a deep meditative state in no time.

The entire chakra balancing experience, or crystal therapy session “as I like to call it”, can last up to 45 minutes. You will 1st complete a chakra assessment quiz online after booking your appointment (this helps to identify which chakras are in & out of balance before you even come in to your appointment. You will then discuss the findings of your assessment with the certified bio well practitioner & be given a protocol to align your chakras (this takes about 20 minutes). Next, the practitioner will do a bio well scan to determine actual chakra alignment & prepare you for chakra balancing (this takes about 5 minutes) Then you are placed on the table for chakra balancing & measured again after with the bio well device to determine chakra alignment. (This takes about 20 minutes).

What Happens After A Balancing?

Your protocol will be emailed to you & also available in a mobile app used by Infinite Wholistics. Your protocol is a guide that you can refer to at any time to help you balance a particular chakra. For example- if the chakra assessment quiz determines your root chakra needs work, your protocol will list the best colors, sounds, crystals, essential oils, herbs, foods, etc., that can be used to balance this energy center.

You are then given home care instructions which last for 7 days. Although you have received a balancing, the real healing takes place at home. You will be enrolled into an action oriented course where content is dripped to you each day of the week for 7 days. This may include things like (on day one wear the color red & practice root chakra yoga, on day 2 say the following affirmations…continue this throughout the remainder of the 7 days). This is known as the “7-day chakra challenge“.

People have reported feeling more balanced, relaxed, happy, & clear minded immediately after!! With in office treatment of the chakras through chakra balancing or “crystal therapy”,  a printable/ downloadable protocol, & 7 days of home care, you can be sure that Infinite Wholistics’ one of a kind chakra balancing session(s) will help you get into alignment!!!


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